Music Star - Life Simulator
Chimpanzee, LLC
릴리스 세부정보
발행국 | KR |
국가 출시일 | 2022-10-03 |
카테고리 | Games, Music, Games_Word, Games_Music |
국가 / 지역 | KR |
개발자 웹사이트 | Chimpanzee, LLC |
지원 URL | Chimpanzee, LLC |
콘텐츠 등급 | 4+ |
“I’ve played just about every mobile music simulator game and this is probably the best one I’ve come across.”
“Rare find: fun game, ZERO ads
“Easily the greatest music simulator app around.”
”…very in-depth compared to other music simulation games I’ve played."
“Best music sim hands down.”
“This is most definitely one of the best life simulators I played.”
“One of the best mobile game I’ve ever played. NO ADS!”
“This game is truly one of the best, others feel so rushed and doesn’t make sense but in this game there’s so much to do.”
Less than 1% of musicians make it on the path to super stardom! Start at the bottom of the music world and climb the ladder of fame as you create chart topping hits, negotiate record deals, sign artists to your own label and create a musical legacy!
Create songs in 50+ international genres, level up your musical talent, release viral albums and feature the most popular artists! Create artists, sign them, feature on their songs and see if you can land on the Billboard!
Grow your monthly listeners, create concept music videos or release official lyric videos. Gain followers, listeners, subscribers and earn royalties on streams, music video views and become the most popular artist in the world!
Will your songs be nominated and win awards? Become the biggest award winning artist in the world!
Start your own record label, sign new talent, hire the right team, review song lists and drop artists that aren’t performing!
Build out your online presence, choose products, determine track lists, limited edition runs, pricing and manage inventory!
Pivot your career to venture capital and invest in some of the hottest startups for massive returns or buy some of the world’s most expensive properties!
Get matched, start dating, choose a ring and get married, raise your kids and take over their lives to continue your legacy!
With a variety of leaderboards, you’ll never stop competing! Can you make it into the Top 100 Artists?
Download Music Star - Life Simulator

Not Available
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휴~~~~~ 작성
Love itWould really love it if there were more artists that you can feature Overall great game
Korean korean….. 작성
버전 1.0.45
AdsCameraFamilyFeature RequestsLove itSpending**이 글은 지극히 개인적인 의견으로 개인에 따라 차이가 있을 수 있음 [장점] 1. 광고가 없음 - 배너광고, 중간광고 그냥 아예 없음 2. 현질유도 아예 없음 - 물론 현질을 할수는 있지만 굳이 현질안해도 불편한 1도 안느껴짐 3. 은근 현실적임 - 처음에는 좀 어려운데… 노래랑 앨범 계속 내다 보면 기획사에서 연락이 옴 이때부터 쉬워져서 기분이 좋음 4. 연애,결혼,출산,이혼 가능함 - 너무 현실적임. 그래서 더 좋음 5. 집이나 섬 같은거 살 수 있고 비행기,요트,자동차 등 다양하게 살 수 있음 - 역시나 현질유도 없고 가수활동으로 번 돈으로 충분히 가능함(실제 내 경험임) 6. 유튜브,트위터,위키백과가 있음 - 유튜브랑 트위터가 있어서 진짜 연예인 된 기분임 팔로워도 쭉쭉 올라감. 그리고 위키백과가 있어서 내 정보를 볼 수 있음 7. 개인기획사 설립 가능 - 기획사에서 연락이 와서 계약하는 방법도 있지만 스스로 기획사를 차릴 수도 있음. 직원도 뽑을 수 있고 신인가수들을 양성해낼 수도 있음 8. 유튜브에서는 뮤직비디오 제작도 할 수 있음 - 좋아요 수랑 조회수, 댓글 1개 볼 수 있음. 9. 트위터에서 글 쓸 수 있음 - 좋음..애인도 내 트위터에 글 써줌 10. 스포티파이 비슷하게 스트리밍 앱이 있음 - 몇명의 사람들이 내 음악을 스트리밍 했는지 알수 있음 [단점] 1. 노래 제목 작성 은근 노가다임 - 처음엔 불편함 못 느꼈는데 노래가 1000개가 넘어가다 보니^^ 더이상 노래 제목이 떠오르지 않음.. 2. 이건 단점은 아니지만 인스타그램처럼 사진 올릴수 있는 거 만들어졌으면 좋겠음 [결론] 가수 키우기, 아이돌 키우기 이런 게임 좋아하는 사람들에게는 강강강추함. 나처럼 돈 없고 현질 못하는 사람들에게도 강강강추함. 앨범제작,뮤직비디오제작,코첼라 같은 음악축제에도 참여할 수 있고 헤드라이너가 될 수 있으니(난 아직 되본적은 없음)….가상현실 속에서라도 블랙핑크, 아리아나 그란데가 될 수 있음. 그러니 한번쯤은 깔아보길 추천함. 100점 만점에 99.5점인 게임임. ———————————————————————————— **This article reflects purely personal opinions and may vary from person to person.** [Advantages] 1. No advertisements - No banner ads, no mid-roll ads, just none at all. 2. No push for in-app purchases - While you can make in-app purchases, there's absolutely no inconvenience if you choose not to. 3. Surprisingly realistic - It's a bit tough initially, but as you keep releasing songs and albums, record labels start contacting you. It becomes easier and feels rewarding from that point. 4. Dating, marriage, childbirth, and divorce are possible - It's very realistic, which makes it even better. 5. You can buy homes, islands, airplanes, yachts, cars, etc. - There's no push for in-app purchases, and you can buy everything with the money you earn from your activities as a singer (based on my actual experience). 6. Features YouTube, Twitter, and Wikipedia - With YouTube and Twitter, it feels like you're a real celebrity. Your followers keep increasing. You can also view your information on Wikipedia. 7. You can establish a personal agency - While you can sign a contract with an agency that contacts you, you can also start your own agency, hire staff, and train new artists. 8. You can create music videos on YouTube - You can see the number of likes, views, and one comment. 9. You can post on Twitter - It’s nice. Even your partner can post on your Twitter. 10. There’s a streaming app similar to Spotify - You can see how many people are streaming your music. [Disadvantages] 1. Coming up with song titles is quite tedious - Initially, it didn't bother me, but once I had over 1000 songs, I couldn’t think of any more titles. 2. This isn't a disadvantage, but it would be great if there was a feature to post photos like on Instagram. [Conclusion] I highly recommend this game to anyone who likes games about raising singers or idols. It's also great for people like me who don't have money and can't make in-app purchases. You can produce albums, create music videos, and participate in music festivals like Coachella, even becoming a headliner (though I haven't done that yet). In this virtual world, you can become like BLACKPINK or Ariana Grande. So, I recommend giving it a try at least once. It's a 99.5 out of 100 game.