Delta - Game Emulator

Delta - Game Emulator

Testut Tech




開発者ウェブサイトTestut Tech
サポートURLTestut Tech


Delta is an all-in-one emulator for iOS and iPadOS. Delta builds upon the strengths of its predecessor, GBA4iOS, while expanding to include support for more game systems such as NES, SNES, N64, and DS.


Supported Game Systems
• Nintendo Entertainment System
• Super Nintendo Entertainment System
• Nintendo 64
• Game Boy (Color)
• Game Boy Advance
• Nintendo DS
• And plenty more to come!

Controller Support
• Nintendo Switch Pro controllers, Joy-Cons
• Nintendo Switch Online controllers (NES, SNES, N64)
• PS4, PS5
• Xbox One S, Xbox Series X
• MFi game controllers
• Bluetooth & wired keyboards

Save States
• Save and load save states for any game from the pause menu.
• Lock save states to prevent them from being accidentally overwritten.
• Automatically makes backup save states to ensure you never lose your progress.
• Support for “Quick Saves,” save states that can be quickly saved/loaded with a single button press (requires external controller).

• Supports various types of cheat codes for each supported system:
• NES: Game Genie
• SNES: Game Genie, Pro Action Replay
• N64: GameShark
• GBC: Game Genie, GameShark
• GBA: Action Replay, Code Breaker, GameShark
• DS: Action Replay

Delta Sync
• Sync your games, game saves, save states, cheats, controller skins, and controller mappings between devices.
• View version histories of everything you sync and optionally restore them to earlier versions.
• Supports both Google Drive and Dropbox.

Custom Controller Skins
• Beautiful built-in controller skins for all systems.
• Import controller skins made by others, or even make your own to share with the world!

Hold Button
• Choose buttons for Delta to hold down on your behalf, freeing up your thumbs to press other buttons instead.
• Perfect for games that typically require one button be held down constantly (e.g. run button in Mario games, or the A button in Mario Kart).

Fast Forward
• Speed through slower parts of games by running the game much faster than normal.
• Easily enable or disable from the pause menu, or optionally with a mapped button on an external controller.

3D/Haptic Touch
• Use 3D or Haptic Touch to “peek” at games, save states, and cheat codes.
• App icon shortcuts allow quick access to your most recently played games, or optionally customize the shortcuts to always include certain games.

Game Artwork
• Automatically displays appropriate box art for imported games.
• Change a game’s artwork to anything you want, or select from the built-in game artwork database.

• Gyroscope support (WarioWare: Twisted! only)
• Microphone support (DS only)
• Support for delta:// URL scheme to jump directly into a specific game.

Delta is in no way affiliated with Nintendo. The name “Nintendo” and all associated game console names are registered trademarks of Nintendo Co., Ltd.

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Delta - Game Emulator

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  1. gvtvjp'tnによる


    バージョン 1.6.2s

    This app is really helpful. However, there is one feature that I would like to see included. When I set the DS to landscape mode, I would like the DS screen to remain vertical. There are some works that make full use of vertically connected screens to create a sense of realism, so I would like to see this supported.

  2. たくまとによる


    バージョン 1.6.2s

    BugsHate it

    gbcのゲームをプレイしています。 ゲームプレイに問題はありませんが、メニューからステートセーブやロードをタップすると5回に1回ほどフリーズします。 それまでのプレイが台無しになるので、それだけ修整願います。 I'm playing gbc games. There is no problem with the gameplay, but if you tap State Save or Load from the menu, it will freeze about once every 5 times. The previous play will be ruined, so please fix it.

  3. おかゆぅ、による


    バージョン 1.6s


    このアプリでよくDSゲームを遊んでます。 DSのソフトもサクサクうごくし、 チートコードの入力もやりやすいから、昔と違う遊び方ができたりして楽しいです。 ただ今回のアプデで残念な点が一つだけ。 DSの特徴として上下画面で繋がってるように動く映像の演出がありますが、iPadを横向きでコントローラーで遊ぶと上画面を左側、下画面を右側に配置されてしまうため映像の演出が楽しめません。 アップデート前の右下のボタンで自由に変えれる状態に戻すか、コントローラーを繋いでいても、液晶だけ映る画面にならないようにするようにして貰えたら嬉しいなって思います。






