Tide Guide: Charts & Tables

Tide Guide: Charts & Tables

Condor Digital




カテゴリReference, Weather
開発者ウェブサイトCondor Digital
サポートURLCondor Digital


Best-in-class tides for Apple Watch. Never miss a tide, sunset, or beautiful day on the water. Tide Guide features tide and marine weather conditions from trusted data providers worldwide. It’s beautiful, powerful, and provides easy access to thousands of different tide stations around the world.

# Apple Design Award & App Store App of the Year Finalist 2023

# Built for Apple Watch
Gorgeous full screen charts provide detailed tide and weather conditions. Each chart is dynamic and can switch between other conditions and views with just a tap.

# Monthly & Yearly Tide Tables
View detailed forecasts for 10 days, and tide tables for the next 12 months. Various display options allow for powerful layout customizations.

# Home and Lock Screen Widgets
Add beautiful and powerful widgets to your Home Screen or Lock Screen. Tide Guide features an extensive set of widgets, with powerful customization options allow for endless combinations of marine and tide conditions.

# Live Activities
Use Live Activities to follow the current tide or sunset. There are different options for various “island activities.” Track the current tide, wind direction, solar progress, or lunar phase.

# Summary Shortcuts
Use Siri or the Shortcuts app to view different summaries of the tide, surf conditions, upcoming forecasts, and more. Ask Siri “Tide Guide Surf Report” to never miss the next swell.

# Lunar Calendar
Easily track the current lunar phase with a beautiful lunar phase calendar. Explore the altitude and elevation of the moon throughout the day, and view detailed solunar times like nautical dawn, dusk, and more.

# Pro Features
Many features in the app are free to use, and certain availability varies by region.
Widgets, complications, detailed charts, and future table data require an active Pro subscription.

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Tide Guide: Charts & Tables

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  1. capncuddles420による


    バージョン 5.4.24

    BugsDeviceFeature RequestsLove itNetworkUpdates

    UPDATE: Thank you for updating the watch complications! There is now a placeholder blank complication for when the watch app hasn’t had time to load the data in yet, so there are no longer gaps in the watch faces when first logging in or switching between faces. My only minor gripe has now been addressed and I couldn’t recommend this app more highly. I use it all the time and am very glad to have found it. ORIGINAL: This app is fantastic on iphone. Covers everything I thought I needed and more, while being beautiful and accurate. The only issue is the watch version of the app, which I use a lot for ocean swimming. The complications often completely disappear from my watch faces for up to a minute at a time before loading back in. This happens especially frequently when I use low power mode/turn off always on display, or when the watch is disconnected from data. If you could get these bugs worked out, it would be perfect. 🙏

  2. Captain_Jeremyによる


    バージョン 6.0.1

    LocationLove it

    First impression, very pleased with the look of the user interface and customizability. Working on the harbor this comes in very handy for quick glance tide and wind info. I really enjoy the all in one sort of functionality that you get here. One of the reasons I appreciate this is for the ability to see the speed of the current based off of your location however, I am abit dissapointed that there is no way of setting the main screen or any widgets to show that permanently. Unfortunately you have to press one of the data boxes and choose it in a drop down menu every time. I would love to see a fix for that in the future. Otherwise fantastic app super excited to see the new features down the road keep up the good work!

  3. Shadywによる


    バージョン 5.4.22

    BugsHate itLocationUpdates

    What a terrible first impression. First launch of the app gave me a black screen - I gave it thirty seconds or so, then quit the app assuming it had crashed. Second launch was black for about ten seconds. Attempting to pick a tide station bought up a text search box, but no keyboard, and locked up the app until I force-quit. Second try the same. Third try I left it on that screen for over a minute and it finally popped up a keyboard, but told me no search results for the local locations until I left it for another minute or two to update. Loaded the complication onto my Apple Watch Ultra and… it was black for over three minutes. Once it finally updated I found that it hadn’t carried over my tide station from my phone. Tried to search and add the correct station and again the search field on the watch locked up. Deleted, canceled my free trial. Wasted 30 minutes of my life on an app that clearly has major speed/connectivity issues.






