Super clone: Multiple Accounts
Kanubhai Ukani
発行国 | BR |
国のリリース日 | 2022-12-16 |
カテゴリ | Business, Social Networking |
国/地域 | BR |
開発者ウェブサイト | Kanubhai Ukani |
サポートURL | Kanubhai Ukani |
コンテンツ評価 | +17 |
Enjoy the Multiple Accounts of Social Media Apps with Super Clone.
App cloner to manage more than 2 accounts! Well support for iPhone. It can run unlimited multiple accounts for WhatsApp, Instagram, LINE, Messenger, other social app. Support login with Google account in each app clone! Super Clone is stable and free.
Do you have problem to manage multiple WhatsApp accounts?
Do you want to login multiple Facebook accounts on one device at the same time?
Do you want to create multiple roles in game and get multiple experience?
Do you want to quick switch between your accounts?
Do you want to customize your clones with different label and icon?
Please choose Super Clone! Manage more than 2 accounts for social apps.
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As the top ranked multiple accounts tool, the tech of Super Clone empowered by us has achieved millions downloads worldwide. It is the first to support clone up to 99 multiple parallel accounts for social accounts and keep the accounts online in multiple spaces on one phone.
Super Clone is for users who wants to switch between multiple social and game accounts easily. Just one click to clone for whatsapp, instagram, facebook, clash and other games, customize their label and icon to identify, protect with privacy locker and fast switch between accounts with one tap.
Super Clone is the most compatible with instant message apps, game apps and social apps. You can connect with your Google or Facebook accounts in the cloned application.
* Run multiple accounts for social and game app
• Help you balance your work and life by login multiple account for Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and other social app
* Privacy and Security.
• Privacy Locker to hide and protect your cloned account
• Data of each cloned accounts are separated
* Support to customize app theme and label
* Easy to use and one tap to switch between accounts
• Run multiple accounts simultaneously, and clearly tagged with label and icon
• Can manage notification of each clones
• Fast switch between account used recently
* Google login support for multiple accounts and lite mode for less power consumption
For any problems, please feel free to contact us.
Privacy Policy: https://supercloneapp.blogspot.com/2022/12/privacy-policy.html
Terms: https://supercloneapp.blogspot.com/2022/12/terms-conditions.html
EULA: https://supercloneapp.blogspot.com/2022/12/eula.html
BugsO maior problema do app não é o excesso de propagandas, afinal de contas é isso que a gente imagina como um aplicativo é grátis, ou pelo menos está no modo gratuito. O problema é que o app é limitado em relação as possibilidades de aplicativos que podem ser clonados. São poucas opções. Por exemplo baixei esse app para poder clonar um aplicativo bem específico pro meu celular, mas ele não estava disponível na seleção.
バージョン 1.0
App horrível fica mandando mensagem pro outro celular avisando
バージョン 1.0
Eu vi nos comentários falando que tem muito anúncio e dizendo que o app não serve pra nada por isso eu deixei 1 est mas não se preocupe se for bom depois eu dou as 5 est