KAYAK: Flights, Hotels & Cars
KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to show you your options and let you pick what works best for your trip. Track prices, set a budget, build your itinerary and more.
What’s in our app.
Double check prices, no matter where you found it: KAYAK PriceCheck lets you upload a screenshot of a flight deal from any site, and we’ll search hundreds of sites to see if we can find a better deal.
Get the flight you want: Compare flight options from hundreds of sites then zero in on the best one for you by using our filters.
Hotel rates only on the app: Find mobile-only prices from select hotels.
Car sharing: Search car sharing alongside traditional agencies for more options (and maybe better prices).
Know when prices change: Track search results for your trip and get a notification when prices change.
Search on your budget: Only have $300 to spend? KAYAK Explore will show you your flight options, on any budget.
Only on the KAYAK App.
Flight tracker: Get alerts when something about your flight changes or track flights so you can see if you’ll make your connection.
Trips offline: All your ticket confirmations and reservations loaded into Trips are accessible regardless of whether or not you have Wifi.
Measure your bag: Direct your camera at your bag or carry on and we’ll let you know if it’s the right size for your flight without incurring a fee.
We love feedback.
Got a question and in need of support? Send us a message at https://www.kayak.com/help and we’ll help you out.
More on what KAYAK offers.
Find flights, hotels, vacation rentals, rental cars and more - then filter by what matters to you most. Like a pet-friendly boutique hotel with a pool. Or a 4-door sedan with airport pick-up to get you on your way. We bring together great deals from your favorite travel sites in one place.
Search hundreds of flight sites at once.
With filtering and flexibility options, you can quickly search and book what works best for your trip.
More options, more saving.
Find mobile-only rates and exclusive deals on the app. Set Price Alerts to know when prices drop on the flights, cars and hotels you’re interested in.
Create itineraries as you plan.
Our Trips tool puts all your plans in one place. Get alerted to flight and gate changes, access boarding passes both on- and offline, and share your itinerary with friends – all in one spot. You can sync your inbox or manually add any part of your trip - from tour and restaurant confirmations to notes on things to see.
Car rental deals.
Search from over 70,000 locations to find the perfect rental car. Book risk-free by filtering for free cancellation policies.
Get a hotel… or a home.
See your accommodation options from major hotel chains and resorts to local boutiques to apartments, cabins, beach homes and more. Filter for free cancellation if you’re worried plans will change.
Plan your next trip with KAYAK. Download now to start planning a great trip.
Shawn Bによる
バージョン 217.4
BugsHate itUpdatesThis last update completely ruined the app experience. I used to be able to scroll screenshot the flight itinerary and compare different flight prices and times easily, now every time I try to screenshot a window pops up prompting me to "share" so now my screenshot scrolldown button doesnt work. Best convenience of this app that I've used for years for all my trips gone in one update. There's an obvious separate button for sharing if I want to there is absolutely no need for a popup window.
Virginia Pittsによる
バージョン 220.5
AdsDifficultHate itHonestly really frustating, because this used to be my go-to site for travel searches. The website itself forces pop under windows/tabs with hotels and comparisons, no option to not have that no matter what and bypassing popup blockers. The app has become increasingly cluttered and difficult, to the point that I'm uninstalling. Attempting to just look up flights thru Sea-Tac (SEA), and there's no option for just that. Can only choose Seattle (all airports), or regionals. Really disappointing.
Rabble Rabbleによる
DifficultHate itInaccurateUpdatesUpdate: kayak there is something gravely wrong with your site lately. For hotels it is often NOT showing the best price anymore plus its really awful in the search function when you type in the actual hotel. It needs fixing if you want users to rely on this. Has there been an update that's caused this. Sadly you'll lose users until its fixed. Downgraded 2* for unreliability. Original: I use this for flights and hotel bookings. It really does all the hard work for you.