Trucks Off Road
ODD Games Pty Ltd
Have you ever wanted to build your own mud truck? Well now you can in Trucks Off Road without getting your hands dirty!
With real mud and water physics, a real damage system and proper truck handling this is as close as you’ll get to the real thing. From the developers of Monster Truck Destruction comes Trucks Off Road, the next generation of mega truck fun.
There are currently 8 mud parks to compete in with various game modes such as;
FREESTYLE - get the highest score by combining tricks and stunts
CIRCUIT RACING - Go head to head against your rivals
DRAG RACING - Knockout drag, do you have the fastest truck in a straight line?
MUD BOGGING - Can you pass through all of the gates in the quickest time?
OPEN PLAY - Non-competitive timed event to cruise around the park and show off
Over 400 unique parts to choose from to customize your truck to make it look and perform the way you want it to. Paint panels, parts and decals. Fit different fenders, hoods and panels. Upgrade to different chassis types. You can also increase power by adding cubic inches, superchargers, and turbochargers along with exhausts and other items. Don’t forget traction, you’ll need upgraded tires to tackle some of the huge hills. If you punish your truck too much it’ll need repairing. If you feel your truck is worthy of showing the world, regardless of its condition, then upload photos of your truck to your Facebook account.
Play in Single Event mode to win gold trophies in each game mode or play in Career mode to win Championship belts. When you think you’re the best check out the Leaderboards to see if you really are the best. See if you can unlock all of the 30+ achievements.
With more updates to come you can be sure that this is going to be game worth investing in as it will continue to grow and expand.
Make sure you play with your device connected to the internet to gain access to the latest content and features, and to ensure that your profile is backed up (Enable Cloud Save in the Options screen).
For technical support or feedback, [email protected]
発行国 | US |
国のリリース日 | 2019-12-12 |
カテゴリ | Games, Games_Action, Games_Racing |
国/地域 | US |
開発者ウェブサイト | ODD Games Pty Ltd |
サポートURL | ODD Games Pty Ltd |
コンテンツ評価 | 12+ |
Confederate sonによる
バージョン 1.70.561
BugsHate itInaccurateIt’s a cool game. Pretty fun to play. Although there are a few annoying issues that kinda make me want to just delete the game. First being qualifying rounds. I can beat my opponent by a good amount and the game will mark me as the loser and my opponent moves forward. Second is the racing. About every 3rd or 4th race the game will glitch and the truck will be sitting flat on the ground with the tires completely stuck in the environment. You can’t move forward or reverse and the roll/reset option doesn’t fix it. You have to start that even all over and go from there. The most annoying I’ve found next to the second is when I’m going through the barrels the steering likes to do its own thing. I’ll get through about half way and it’ll start trying to go where it wants. I’ll try to steer left but the truck will go right and vice versa. Over all it’s a fun game and from the other reviews I’ve read there doesn’t seem to be a lot of other complaints. But if this game were to go a step further and allow more in depth tuning it would be even better. You’ve got the basics for hp which is great but being able to add those little components that just give the engine that extra boost of hp would be a lot better. Also it would be cool to see the old school 15” rims as an option. You’ve got the old body style trucks but the old school set up would be really cool to have. Aside from that just fix the few things that are wrong and the game will be good to go.
バージョン 1.5.24610
AdsLocationLove itSpendingI was turned on to this game through an ad from another game. In the ad the vehicles in this game had 4-wheel steering, still hoping to play with 4-wheel steering! I played an entire career and noticed there are more locations to race/compete, in this game than are able in career mode. I thought maybe if I pay for a subscription, I could play career mode again unlocking those locations to race on before or after finishing my career, but that’s not the case! I understand natural environment, but when you’re in the mud halfway up your tires and you hit an invisible rock that your truck with all of its power and monster tires cannot climb over the rock, you have to back up to go around the rock. I read about this issue in most of the reviews I read. I am not sure if the earnings have gone up or not, but I think they’re still really low compared to what parts cost. I know racing is expensive, but it doesn’t cost 8+ times as much for repairs than 1st place earnings. I’m sure in Real Life the earnings are much higher. I do love this game,In the freestyle races I try to do tricks I still haven’t done a backflip yet, i’ve done several front flips, like a gymnast doing a floor routine! If some of this issues could be fixed that, would be great! Especially opening up the other locations to race!
バージョン 1.3.20490
BugsFeature RequestsLove itSpendingWaitingFirst of all I love the game. It has pretty good physics and customization and is decently fun to play. Could be a little easier to make money but If you turn and burn the damaged trucks you can make good money which helps. It’s kind of weird the turbo makes a cut out in the hood but that’s not much of a problem since you can make it mid engined. I’ve seen people recommend possible new vehicles so I guess I’ll put my 2 cents in. It could use some suv type vehicles like a suburban looking vehicle or a ford excursion(if your ford license allows), maybe have some muscle cars because I’ve seen monster and mud trucks that use the body’s from them, and last is maybe a old 50s step side truck. The last criticism I have is it would be nice if the rims didn’t effect grip because if you want to max out a truck you can’t use some of the nicer looking rims. But other than the things I mentioned you guys have really made a made a improvement since the last game and keep up the great work.