My Love - Relationship Counter

My Love - Relationship Counter

Bjoern Bartels



Download APKFor iPhoneFor Android


My Love shows you how long you and your partner have already been together.
Thus it creates new anniversaries like “the 333rd day”, “the 50th month”, …

The new version of My Love can be customized with a picture of you and your partner.
Enable push notifications and never miss out on special dates!
With the In-App-Purchase "My Love Pro“ a widget for the iOS Home Screen.


カテゴリUtilities, Lifestyle
開発者ウェブサイトBjoern Bartels
サポートURLBjoern Bartels





  1. cmbravo123による


    バージョン 2.3.2

    UpdatesSpendingLove it

    I love this app! It’s helped me so much with catching anniversaries and such that I would’ve otherwise completely missed, and the little extra ones like days and weeks are a really fun addition. The one thing I have to say, though, is that I think it’d be awesome if there were a feature—even in the Pro version; I’d happily pay for the function—to add multiple dates. In my case, my fiancée and I are getting married in a couple months, and I’ll have to decide between tracking the whole time we’ve been together and tracking how long we’ve been married. Other than that, though, wonderful app, and definitely one I’ll be recommending to my friends in relationships!

  2. Mia!💓💓による


    バージョン 2.3.2

    Love it

    This app showed me things I would love to do in life , it keeps track of when I am with someone and it helps me to understand that I’m actually in love and not just because that this app showed me a lot of new tricks and new thing I know and also it helps me keep track of when me and my boyfriend are together which helps me so I know what day and how many months of years we been together this app took me on a good journey I love this app and other people should try this app out too!💓

  3. Jaszszszsz1による


    バージョン 2.3.2

    Love it

    This app helps me keep track of the date and when we got together. And I love it because he doesn’t remember and I do because of this app. This app is the best and other people should download it. It is literally the best bestest! It also shows special days and like special occasions! Everyone who is in a relationship should get this app it can show u the specific month and day and week!!! It’s the best and it helps me remember and tell him how long and remind him when we got together I LOVE THIS APP!!!! And everyone EVERYONE should get it!!! It is free except for the premium but it still is great!!!!






