Movie Night - Swipe & Watch

Movie Night - Swipe & Watch




Détails de la Version

Pays de l'ÉditeurUS
Date de Sortie dans le Pays2021-02-22
CatégoriesUtilities, Entertainment
Pays / RégionsUS
Site Web du DéveloppeurMWM
URL de SupportMWM
Évaluation du Contenu12+


Discover the perfect movie for your group with Movie Night! Swipe through a vast movie library and find the one film that everyone loves. Tap a card to see detailed movie information.

Swipe alone or with any number of friends. Customize your search with multiple filters and create a room that suits your group’s preferences. Invite friends easily by scanning the QR code from the room creator screen or entering the code manually.

Swipe through movies until you find a match. No match? No problem! Start again with different filters and options.

Terms of Use:

Enjoy your movie night!

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Movie Night - Swipe & Watch

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  1. Par Bob4367282


    Version 2.5.23

    AudioBugsHate it

    When I read the reviews I noticed some issues with the app, and yes I understand them, but I think people are rating very poorly when it’s actually a really good app. One person gave a 1 star, giving examples like they kept getting old movies that they have already seen, but that sounds like a you problem, if you have watched lots of movies don’t expect more if you have already watched everything, and people red to appreciate what this app does cause I know the person that rated 1 star is way to lazy to create an app like this, so I just want to say it’s a good app and I will continue using it. 😁

  2. Par Prodigysun


    Version 2.5.16

    DifficultFeature RequestsInaccurateLove itSpending

    As someone who has a hard time choosing films to watch the idea of this app is incredibly helpful and great. Although it may have been created by the wrong people. When you first open the app you see the original tinder like format. So I started to do it and it was cool to see a lot of movies that I could watch soon. Though after only a few swipes I was told I couldn’t do it anymore for today or I had to buy premium. When I checked the premium price it was $8 which is crazy because the streaming services they tell you to watch these movies on don’t even cost that much. Why would I pay $8 for an app to choose a movie for me when I could do it myself even when I have a hard time doing that. There are much Better places this app could add the premium features into like the ai feature not the main feature. The main feature should actually be the only one allowed. These developers and greedy and just want to take your money.

  3. Par clucknbox


    Version 2.5.16

    AdsFeature RequestsHate itPricingSpending

    I DO NOT recommend this app to anyone looking for a way to find movies to watch, most of the catalog is old movies that you’ve probably already seen before and the image quality can be downright awful. Now this wouldn’t that big of a deal of this app was free with ads. I read the reviews and the developers seem to respond with how there is a free version. Yes, there is a free version, however it is insanely limited. It gives you only 50 swipes a day and it’s only of movies that are older and that you have most likely seen, also if your looking to search via genre or search with friends, it’s hidden behind a paywall which is an insane 8$ a WEEK. I understand they’re trying to earn money but $8 a week is absurd, especially for what they are offering. They could have had the same result if not better by actually putting in effort into the app and making it free with ads. Developers, DO BETTER

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