Bookmate. Listen & read books

Bookmate. Listen & read books

Bookmate Limited



Détails de la Version

Pays de l'ÉditeurFR
Date de Sortie dans le Pays2010-08-18
CatégoriesBooks, Entertainment
Pays / RégionsFR
Site Web du DéveloppeurBookmate Limited
URL de SupportBookmate Limited
Évaluation du Contenu12+


— Stacks of ebooks and audiobooks in 12 languages
— Get recommendations from friends, experts & editors
— Keep your ebooks, audiobooks, quotes & notes with you

— So much choice
With a Bookmate subscription you’ll have access to a huge collection of ebooks and audiobooks — bestsellers, classics, business books and more — in 12 different languages; including English and Spanish. Even our free account offers 50,000 titles!"

— Smart suggestions
Experts and other booklovers create themed bookshelves. Browse them, subscribe and receive regular updates. Bookmate also makes recommendations based on your preferences. The more you read or listen, the more accurate our recommendations!

— Everything in one place
All your books, quotes and notes get saved in Bookmate. Read or listen anywhere: in the subway, at the beach, on a plane. Keep your favourite books on your device to enjoy them offline. Readers can also upload ebooks in .epub or .fb2 format.

— Sharing stories
Friends are great at recommending books you’ll love. With Bookmate you can keep up with what they’re reading and listening to, and find new friends with similar interests. Share your books, quotes, impressions and get likes.

— Customise and get comfortable
For the best ebook experience, adjust the brightness and change the font or the background screen colour. Audiobook listeners can set a timer and change the speed to suit. Start and stop as needed — begin on one device and pick up where you left off on another.

Bookmate is an ebook and audiobook service that’s available globally. In addition to a free public domain catalogue, we also offer Book, Audiobook and Premium subscriptions, which give partial and complete access to our ebook and audiobook catalogues. These services are renewable on an annual or monthly basis, for a fixed monthly fee.

Renewal charges are automatically debited at least 24 hours prior to the end of the previous period. However, readers can manage their subscription package and choose to switch off the auto-renewal option in their Account Settings.

If a reader is on a free trial and chooses to purchase a subscription during that time, they forfeit any unused portion of the free trial period.

Terms of Service:

Privacy Policy:

Got any questions? Contact us at [email protected]

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Bookmate. Listen & read books

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Évaluation Moyenne


Répartition des Évaluations

Avis Sélectionnés

  1. Par Ksé_57


    Version 9.8


    I really like this app! I can read in Russian, English or French. The app never bugs and it’s very simple tu use.

  2. Par Evorider76


    Version 10.21

    Encore une app bien sagement rangée dans la case "gratuit" mais qu'il n'est possible d'utiliser que via une souscription. Poubelle.

  3. Par YGN75


    Version 10.23

    Le pire application pour lire que je jamais utilisais !

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