Détails de la Version
Bazoš has 500.000 advertisers daily, who place around 60.000 classified ads. Join them and sell what you don’t need anymore or find what you are missing in household.
• Sell easy and fast anything from household
• No registration - place an advertisment after phone number confirmation
• Add a search agent for a product you can’t find
• Have your classified ads under control
Bazos - classifieds for everybody.
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Par Chris Baerwaldt
Version 2.21.0
Feature RequestsUpdatesVery nice app, but with latest app update, I cannot select "description" text. If I cannot select the text, i am not able to easily translate it. Please change this back. Thank you.
Par Eko First
Version 2.21.0
BugsUpdatesWith the last update there are some new bugs: Search according to the map selection doesn't work. Map visualization doesn't work. Region history doesn't work.
Par A Google user
Version 1.7.3
Love itGenerally, it's good application. I use it several times a day everyday! I believe it could be improved with some features, flexibility, sorting options, filters, and search algorithms. In addition I would love to use the feature of combined agents in more the one country. In conclusion I recommend the application because it's reliable and there's plenty of room for improvements. Thanks for the developers.