Redfin Houses for Sale & Rent

Redfin Houses for Sale & Rent




Détails de la Version

Pays de l'ÉditeurUS
Date de Sortie dans le Pays2015-09-29
CatégoriesHouse & Home
Pays / RégionsUS
Site Web du DéveloppeurRedfin
URL de SupportRedfin
Évaluation du ContenuEveryone


Download the Redfin App to get updated MLS real estate listings every 2 minutes. Find the latest homes, condos, and townhouses for sale and for rent in your area. Browse photos, see up-to-date home details, and instantly book a free tour with a Redfin Agent to see homes for sale even faster.

Some of our most popular features:

Find New Homes First
• See Listings First: Get notifications within 30 minutes for new listings in your area. Redfin has more homes for sale than any other real estate app because we’re powered by the local MLS.
• Quickly Share Your Favorite Homes: Text or email new listings to your house buying partner.
• Search on All Your Devices: Save your favorite homes and property searches to your Redfin account and access them anytime, anywhere on the app or Redfin website.

Customize Your Home Search
• See Every House: Receive push notifications for any house, condo, or townhome that meets your search criteria.
• Customize Your Home Filters: Search by price, property types like single-family, condos, townhouses mobile homes, and desired features to find your dream house. Even tiny houses.
• Draw Your Custom Home Search Radius: Outline your desired neighborhood or particular area to narrow down your house buying journey.
• Start Touring Early: Search for homes with open houses scheduled for the upcoming weekend.
• Search by School: Search for homes near specific schools and school districts.
• Calculate Mortgage, property tax, HOA, & insurance with our mortgage calculator on real estate for sale.

Tour Homes for Sale Fast
• Schedule both video chat & in-person Tours Instantly: Book free tours with a local Redfin Real Estate Agent right from the app.
• Plan Open House Visits: Get directions and attend every open house in your area.
• Share Homes: Easily share your favorite homes via text message, email, and social media before you book a tour.

MLS Real Estate App
• Don’t Miss Out: We’ll tell you which homes are likely to sell the fastest so you don’t miss the perfect home.
• Learn to be a Home Buying Expert: Sign up for free house buying classes and real estate events.
• Gain Exclusive Insights: Read comments about what a home is really like, written by Redfin Real Estate Agents after they tour the home.
• Sold Home Data: Get the latest property data on sale prices of nearby homes in most markets.
• Find Accurate Home Data: Most MLS real estate listings refresh every 5 minutes.

Redfin operates in the following states:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin

50% of MLS listing updates received by Redfin will post within 2 min.
Tours subject to property and agent availability.
Photos, floor plans, and 3D tours may not be available on all listings.
Photos for illustrative purposes only. Screens simulated. Individual results may vary.
Listing fee subject to change, minimums apply. Buyer’s agent fee not included, e.g., if buyer’s agent fee is 2.5%, seller will pay a total fee of 3.5%. Sell for a 1% listing fee only if you also buy with Redfin within 365 days of closing on your Redfin listing.
Equal Housing Opportunity.

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Avis Sélectionnés

  1. Par The Ladie Clair


    Version 561.1

    Hate itLove it

    I'm giving the app 3 stars, I thoroughly enjoy browsing the map the filters for this feature are fairly accurate but the feed... The Feed is awful. No matter how many times I change and save my filters (to land & homes, 1+ acres) it keeps showing the same set of townhomes and adds on more regions. The feed is an extremely annoying and useless feature. If not for that this would have been an easy 5 star review.

  2. Par Reagan Cardwell


    Version 556.0

    Feature RequestsSpending

    Refuses to open by default from links in Gmail. Bounces to the website every time, ignoring settings. This app sorely needs a browsing history. I can't begin to count the times I've spent 15-20 minutes or more trying to find a property I was looking at before an app crash, or I've mistakenly closed the app while trying to answer a phone call, or for several other reasons. Aside from that it's a very good app. A bit crash-happy, but a browsing history would compensate for that.

  3. Par Brian Gwaltney


    Version 561.1

    Good solid app. I check listing's daily and enjoy my time here. The filters work well and the google maps integration usually works. I think it's smart to be a little cynical of the valuations and projections of these apps. There is a lot of incentive for corporate collusion between banks and the listing services to pump up prices and get people to borrow as much money as possible. I think the annual projections could also be used to dupe people into misunderstanding market conditions.

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