GoodNovel - Stories & Novels

GoodNovel - Stories & Novels




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Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2020-04-23
Country / RegionsUS
Content Rating17+


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  1. By Tired of this bull


    Version 2.5.7

    FamilyHate itInappropriateLove it

    I’m intrigued by the story but disappointed with how many coins it takes to read a chapter. For the amount of videos I have to see just to read one chapter is ridiculous. The story line is ok. I’m wondering why it took nine years for anyone to finally look at the video from the bar to see that they both were drunk and that Ava wasn’t lying. Why after nine years of Roman being married to her sister and having a baby with her would Emma still want to be with him. In those nine years couldn’t Emma had found her own husband? It’s not hard to fall in love with someone else especially since they were you in the beginning. Also, how could parents pick sides like that especially when both daughters are biologically yours. Sad it took for Ava to divorce Roman and get a backbone for Roman to realize that he actually has feelings for her, might even love her but because of his blind love for Emma he never gave it a chance. Not too sure about the whole thing with Roman and Emma but it seems to me that he was way more involved with Ava than he has ever been with Emma. No matter if he loved Ava or not Emma should feel some type of way about being with a man who was married, not only married but sexually involved, with her sister for nine years. Emma is considered sloppy seconds no matter how she looks at it. I’m giving it a four star right now because I haven’t finished reading it and with my being able to read a little a day it’s going to take awhile to finish.

  2. By .a.r.ose


    Version 2.6.1

    Battery UsageFamilySpending

    I had been a reader since childhood but has stopped when I was already working. It was now in my senior vears that the passion for reading came back. 1 happen to browse at this website and started reading when his eyes opened. I like how it was written but the idea of buying coins that will give you some chapters to go on reading and then buy another set of coins and so on just don't encourage me. For just one book or novel, this will cost the reader so much just to finish reading the book. More expensive than buying a book at the store or on line per se. I would rather suggest to put a price on each book published so as the reader would know if she would want to buy and start reading. Another idea is by subscription. If a reader will subscribe to your website it will entitle her/him to read all the books available for a certain period of time, say a year or maybe a lifetime subscriber. Payment for subscription will be bi annually so as to give the reader the chance to continue or just avail of it for just 6 months if she is not interested anymore. Subscription price must be affordable so as to entice a Int of readers. While this your own method of charging the reader for some chapters will only discourage the reader to continue reading. I for one can sacrifice not finishing reading the book if the charges is too much! For the reader doesn't have any idea how much will cost her in finishing reading the book.

  3. By Devynnnnnn2


    Version 2.6.0

    Battery UsageFamilySpending

    I have been a reader since childhood but has stopped when I was already working. It was now in my senior vears that the passion for reading came back. I happened to browse at this website and started reading when his eyes opened. I like how it was written but the idea of buying coins that will give you some chapters to go on reading and then buy another set of coins and so on just don't encourage me. For just one book or novel, this will cost the reader so much just to finish reading the book. More expensive than buying a book at the store or on line per se. I would rather suggest to put a price on each book published so as the reader would know if she would want to buy and start reading. Another idea is by subscription. If a reader will subscribe to your website it will entitle her/him to read all the books available for a certain period of time, say a year or maybe a lifetime subscriber. Payment for subscription will be bi annually so as to give the reader the chance to continue or just avail of it for just 6 months if she is not interested anymore. Subscription price must be affordable so as to entice a lot of readers. While this your own method of charging the reader for some chapters will only discourage the reader to continue reading. I for one can sacrifice not finishing reading the book if the charges is too much! For the reader doesn't have any idea how much will cost her in finishing reading the book.


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