Hygrometer -Check the humidity
Release Details
Publisher Country | US |
Country Release Date | 2012-04-07 |
Categories | Utilities, Weather |
Country / Regions | US |
Developer Website | MORETHAN APPS |
Content Rating | 4+ |
Check your humidity!
Feel the design of analog sensibility everyday.
This ‘Hygrometer’ app will tell you the outside humidity at your current location.
- ‘Easy to read’ Design
- Universal app (iPhone/iPad)
- Support Apple Watch
if you need help please contact us at [email protected] and give us a chance to help you.
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Enjoy the app!
Average Rating
Rating Breakdown
Featured Reviews
By ido jester
Love itI’m the type that always finds the temperature to be less of a factor to my general comfort than the humidity. This holds true for warm and cooler weather. This App provides me with a super quick, easy to see and understand barometer to my happiness. Use it all the time... especially when I feel it so beautiful outside.. to know the underlying reason! Thanks!
By Kar926
Feature RequestsHate itThis app should be measuring dew point instead of humidity. Humidity at say, 90% would mean that its raining. It’s the water in the air. Raining doesnt have anything to do with mugginess, what people often mistake for feeling “humid”. Your hygrometer says “comfort” at the 50% mark. That would mean if it’s 50% raining outside, we are not comfortable? What is 50% rain? If it’s like today, 51degrees out (pretty chilly!), and it’s raining, it’s certainly not muggy. Yet your hygrometer says it’s “wet”. Waaay past comfortable. It makes no sense and it gives the impression that it is unbearably muggy, when in fact it’s only raining. If people want to know how muggy it is, they need to check the dew point, not the humidity. And this needs to be made known more and the meteorologists aren’t helping matters by constantly telling us about the “humidity”. “Estimating mugginess using relative humidity can be misleading since a high relative humidity doesn't necessarily mean high mugginess. For example, on a 40°F day if the dew point is 36°F the relative humidity would be 90%. This is a high RH (relative humidity) but it wouldn't feel muggy because the air temperature is cool.” Dew point (°F) Degree of Mugginess < 50 Not muggy 50-59 Slightly muggy 60-69 Moderately muggy 70-79 Very muggy 79+ Unbearably muggy - National Weather Service
By Brutusfly
SpendingA simple, inexpensive Apple Watch complication that shows the relative humidity would make this exactly what I’m looking for. I would happily pay several dollars as a one time price for this, or a very low subscription price. I’m unable to find it elsewhere. Other apps are loaded with redundant features at subscription prices ($8 a year) that far exceeded the value of the simple humidity info I want and Apple provides via Siri and in the weather app.