네이버 웹툰 - Naver Webtoon

네이버 웹툰 - Naver Webtoon




Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2010-12-21
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsiteNAVER WEBTOON
Content RatingTeen


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Use your reading history under the menus to continue reading from the last page you read, or ‘48-Hour Temporary Save’ to enjoy webtoons offline. You can also use ‘Notifications’ to get notified as soon as your favorite webtoons are updated.

If you have any questions or problems while using the app, please feel free to leave your inquiry on NAVER Webtoons Customer Center ( ) or Settings > NAVER Webtoons Customer Center on your app.

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Average Rating


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Featured Reviews

  1. By Anna


    Version 2.28.0


    I downloaded it, it was in korean. So then I said no problem, I'll make an account and set it as english. Once I created the account, IT'S STILL IN KOREAN! I looked at the settings menu trying to find how to change the language by using google translater and I find no tab that says I cant change the language or region. I don't know if it's where I am living, but I am certainlly not living in korea, or even near. This is just in my experience.

  2. By Mika


    Version 2.26.0


    I'm not receiving any code verification for the sign-up thing. Even though the information I provided is correct. This gotta be fixed up. I already tried any methods to figure out what's wrong, follow the guidelines, and still can't receive a message for my sign-up.

  3. By Manasvi Sushi Dalve


    Version 2.27.1

    BugsDifficultFeature RequestsHate itLog In

    I hate the login way of this app it's like every time impossible to login I multiple times download and delete app throughout year bec I just get so annoyed of its login ways but then after some moths agin download and then again delete naver webtooon need to change the login problem and make login easy just like the English Webtooon ist really anoyying chage it


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