Games - Weather Forecast - Weather Forecast

Windyty SE



Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2016-02-14
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsiteWindyty SE
Support URLWindyty SE
Content RatingEveryone

Advertisement is an extraordinary tool for weather forecast visualization. It’s fast, intuitive, detailed and most accurate weather app trusted by professional pilots, paragliders, skydivers, kiters, surfers, boaters, fishermen, storm chasers and weather geeks, and even by governments, army staffs and rescue teams.

Whether you are tracking a tropical storm or potential severe weather, planning a trip, pursuing your favourite outdoor sport, or you just need to know if it will rain this weekend, Windy provides you with the most up-to-date weather forecast around.

The uniqueness of Windy lies in the fact that it brings you better quality information than the other weather apps’ pro-features, while our product is absolutely free and even without ads.

Powerful, smooth and fluid presentation makes weather forecasting a real pleasure!

All forecast models at once

Windy brings you all the world’s leading weather forecasting models: global ECMWF, GFS and ICON plus local NEMS, AROME, UKV, ICON EU and ICON-D2 (for Europe). Furthermore NAM and HRRR (for the USA) and ACCESS (for Australia).

51 weather maps

From wind, rain, temperature and pressure to swell or CAPE index, with Windy you will have all convenient weather maps just at your fingertips.

Satellite & Doppler radar

Global satellite composite is created from NOAA, EUMETSAT, and Himawari. The image frequency is 5-15 minutes based on area. Doppler radar covers large parts of Europe, America, Asia, and Australia.

Point of interests

Windy lets you display observed wind and temperature, forecasted weather, airports around the World, collection of 55 000 weather webcams and 1500+ paragliding spots right on the map.

Fully customizable

Add your favorite weather maps to quick menu, customize color palette on any layer, access advanced options in the settings. All that makes Windy the weather geek’s tool of choice.

Features and data sources

✅ All leading weather forecast models: ECMWF, GFS by NOAA, ICON and more
✅ Several local weather models NEMS, ICON EU and ICON-D2, AROME, NAM, HRRR, ACCESS
✅ High-Res satellite composite
✅ Forecast model comparison
✅ 51 global weather maps
✅ Weather radar for many world locations
✅ 16 altitude levels from the surface to 13.5km/FL450
✅ Metric or imperial units
✅ Detailed weather forecast for any location (temperature, rain and snow accumulation, wind speed, wind gusts and wind direction)
✅ Detailed Airgram and Meteogram
✅ Meteogram: temperature and dew point, wind speed and wind gusts, pressure, precipitation, altitude cloud cover
✅ Altitude and Time zone info, Sunrise and Sunset time for any location
✅ Customizable list of Favorite spots (with the option to create mobile or e-mail alerts for upcoming weather conditions)
✅ Nearby weather stations (Real-time observed weather - Reported wind direction, wind speed and temperature)
✅ 50k+ Airports searchable by ICAO and IATA, including runway info, decoded & raw METARs, TAF and NOTAMs
✅ 1500+ Paragliding spots
✅ Detailed wind and wave forecast for any kiting or surfing spot
✅ 55K Weather webcams
✅ Tide forecast
✅ Topographic maps by and Satellite imagery by Here Maps
✅ English + 40 other world languages
✅ Now with Wear OS application (Forecast, Radar, Tiles and Complication)
…and many more

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Featured Reviews

  1. By Austin Harding


    Version 44.1.2

    Feature RequestsPricing

    hand down this is undeniably thee best weather app have ever ever come across, has endless layers to its map with a plethora of options for each layer, it would take me weeks on end to fully explore what is available here, even just the free version! if you're someone who just looks at the weather at a glimpse, quickly checks tomorrow's forecast, in an out check, this isn't for you, if you're a weather buff maps buff, or 1 who needs as much info as possible, this is the right place

  2. By Brian Saghy


    Version 44.0.4

    Feature Requests

    This is one of the most featured and detailed weather apps I've used. Really great for helping me determine if it's too windy to go flat water kayaking. I really wish the radar view differentiated between rain/sleet/snow, as that does impact activities and driving. Also wish there was a more general 3-5 day forecast widget with daily granularity. Unfortunately I still need to use another weather app like Weather Underground for my daily life forecast needs.

  3. By Jordan Nah


    Version 42.5.3

    Love itUpdates

    This sails past the competitors..I flys by..rises to the top..? If it's in the sky this app knows about it. Predictions are fairly accurate for the day but as far as what's happening later in the week, its about 60/40. Besides that they have great information from multiple sources. Easy once you get used to it. This is what radar should always be. Just a short update, I still love this app. I have worked outside for years and haven't found a better weather app.


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