Udemy Online Video Courses
Release Details
Skill up to success. Udemy is a leading destination for online courses that empowers you to grow professionally and personally. Get the app to explore our expansive library of thousands of topics with cutting-edge online video courses in Coding, Development, Python, Java, Business, Marketing, SEO, SEM, Design, Drawing, Photography, and much more.
Tap into knowledge from around the world by learning from real-world experts. With courses in over 75 languages, you’ll probably find the right course for your goals.
Here’s what makes learning with the Udemy app so valuable:
LEARN OFFLINE: Download courses and learn even when your internet connection is unreliable
LEARN ON THE BIG SCREEN: Watch courses with AirPlay and Chromecast
DARK MODE: Stay focused in any lighting condition
LEARNING REMINDERS: Build your learning routine with customized push notifications that fit your schedule
NOTES: Maximize your learning by taking notes and adding bookmarks to remember more of what you learned
QUIZZES: Take in-course quizzes to reinforce your learning
Q&A: Ask instructors your burning questions to increase your knowledge or get a little extra help
PICTURE IN PICTURE: Watch courses and practice skills at the same time
MULTITASKING: Watch courses and take notes from your iPad. Ask questions from a single screen
LIFETIME ACCESS: Take courses on your schedule. Revisit them as needed.
Many instructors update courses (at no extra cost) to bring you the latest knowledge as it becomes available. Making learning with us a short- and long-term investment in your success.
Other popular topics people are learning to achieve their goals:
App Development: iOS, Swift, Java, Kotlin
Data Science: R, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Marketing: Mobile, Social Media, SEM, SEO
Art, Music, Drawing, Photography, Health & Fitness
Learners around the world trust Udemy to launch new careers, advance in their current fields, and reap the benefits of lifelong learning.
Take control of your future with online courses that deliver practical, professional skills. Prepare for certification exams in IT, Project Management, and more. Earn certificates of completion for paid courses to showcase on your resume or impress in your next interview.
Join millions of learners around the globe and improve your life through learning!
Average Rating
Rating Breakdown
Featured Reviews
By Mckaaa
Version 8.57.0
ConfusingDeviceI’m downloading this app because I’m basically forced to, given the quality of the experience watching courses on my desktop. I bought course for the first time on Udemy, and I was confused as to why the videos appeared to be in 480p/360p quality, despite me setting it to 1080p. I did some research and found a reddit post about a month old, with frequent comments on it up to today, with people experiencing the same issue. Udemy support has responded to the concerns of these people by saying that fixing this web playback issue is “not high priority” since they want to prioritize mobile app development. I cannot understand this logic. The whole point of my purchase was to watch tutorials at my desktop. When I cannot see the text clearly, it largely ruins the experience of having video tutorials in the first place. Even if Udemy fixes this issue, I don’t believe I can trust Udemy to provide me with a high quality experience in the future. When the main purpose of your service is to stream videos that educators want to provide to learners, actively ignoring a core issue with the browser streaming service is something that I completely do not understand.
By darlirium
Version 7.10.1
BugsDeviceInaccurateUpdatesWaitingI am not quite sure why the UI is so bad on Apple iPhone 11 or on my iPad Pro; I only know it is bad. The app has lots of rendering issues switching from the vertical to the horizontal view. Today, the list of sections for the AWS CPP exam are being rendered incorrectly. Video clips actually appear under the wrong section in both views. I’m uncertain how to fix this. I checked and I am on the latest version and there are no pending bug fixes for this behavior that I can see. Also, pausing the app has been a problem since I started using it last Summer for training. If I pause it and come back after an hour or so, I always have to reboot the app. Otherwise it sits there unresponsive to any request. I often resort to just using the Udemy website for my phone or iPad because the app is that poor. I have found the desktop version of the site with my old Dell laptop running Ubuntu Chrome has actually been best. I wish that was not the case because I would like to use the iOS app with my phone and AirPods as I work around the house on mindless things like mowing grass or cleaning. Please fix UI issues for a better UX folks because I really enjoy your courses. Thanks!
By dbrock1958
Version 7.10.1
AudioDeviceFeature RequestsHate itLove itSpendingWaitingI absolutely love Udemy. I’m beginning to hate the app. They apparently once had an app for Apple TV but decided to abort it once apple developed the ability to airplay or cast your videos to the Apple TV from the iPhone. However, you can only cast from an iOS device and not a computer. Annoying, but that part isn’t necessarily Udemy’s fault. Udemy has a feature where you can increase the playback speed of the video. It’s great for instructors who talk slowly or for a lesson you might already be pretty familiar with but only want to brush up on. Well, when you increase this playback speed and then cast to your Apple TV, you may or may not have audio. More likely you won’t. I have to continually hit pause, play, pause, play, pause, play until the audio finally kicks in. I have to do this for each lecture. Additionally, if you pause a lecture for more than a few seconds, the Udemy app decides to start playing again on it’s own, but the real fun part is that it doesn’t start playing from where you paused, it jumps to an entirely new lecture. Need to go to the bathroom? Don’t pause it! Unless you want to spend the next 15 minutes trying to figure out where you actually left off. These issues are quite annoying and really affect the productivity of the learning process.