Nautide: Tides, Wind, Waves +
Release Details
All the information you need to know to plan activities at sea in a simple and practical app.
More than 25,000 coastal stations around the world.
Daily tide charts and tidal coefficient. High tides and low tides. Tides height. Monthly tide table. Tides for fishing.
Height and direction of the swell, wave period, hourly surf table.
Hourly activity chart and solunar periods with the best fishing moments of every day. Monthly activity table with daily fish activity and major and minor fishing periods.
Sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, azimut, moon phases, eclipses, transits and other astronomical data.
Fishing barometer, pressure graph and hourly pressure table with trend indicator.
Wind at land and wind at sea: wind speed, wind gust, wind force, land and sea conditions and hourly wind table.
Weather conditions at coast: Cloud cover, visibility, temperature, precipitation, wind chill, humidity, dew point and hourly weather table.
Open water forecast for marine/sailing. Includes all weather indicators and also the water temp. Hourly marine table.
Major air pollutants, particulate matter, hour-by-hour forecast.
Free download with restrictions.
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© tides4fishing official app
Average Rating
Rating Breakdown
Featured Reviews
By Lloyd Peck
Version 4.2.4
AdsConfusingI like the app. I’ve worked in the the Gulf of Mexico driving Supply Boats for 40 years and this type of information is valuable. I’ve had a number of such apps over the years and this has proven to be the best. I especially like the Summary page. This page is a great idea. It’s even more convenient you can click items on the Summary page and bring up a pop up with detailed information. One thing I don’t see on the Summary page is wind. Also it would be a great option to be able to select and deselect the items you wish to appear within the circle that indicates tidal direction. This option could help to unclutter the page, less confusion and tailor the page to individual preferences. Even so it’s the best app I’ve found.
By CaptMelissa
Version 4.2.4
AddictingDifficultHands down this app helps me make decisions on where and when to take customers out in Galveston Bay. Because it is so specific to south shore, north shore, north jetty I can decide ahead of time where to launch my boat and what shoreline I will be fishing on. I recommend it to all my customers that are serious about planning a safe and enjoyable trip on Galveston Bay. I navigate the West bay and wind is a major challenge on the shallow oyster reefs. This app is essential in fish those areas. This app was shared with me by another fishing guide that said “get rid of any other weather app! This one is the only one you need! “ He was spot on.
By Fvilure
Version 2.8.1
Feature RequestsThis app has EVERYTHING you are looking for. If you’re a beach goer, surfer, or angler like myself, there is no other app like it. It tells you everything you need to know and more, and if you do fish, compiles all of the data to tell you fishing activity. I can tell you first hand as well that it is all accurate. Wind, tide, surf, water pressure, moon phase, and more. I do not write a lot of reviews. It’s only when I use an app for a month straight that I will do, and this exceeded what I was expecting. I’ve had 0 issues with this app and is a must install for anyone near the ocean that goes regularly.