Bible for Women & Daily Study
Nataliia Shukalovich
Release Details
Publisher Country | US |
Country Release Date | 2019-01-01 |
Categories | Lifestyle, Books |
Country / Regions | US |
Developer Website | Nataliia Shukalovich |
Support URL | Nataliia Shukalovich |
Content Rating | 4+ |
Bible for Women
Bright and beautiful Bible with day and night mode designed specifically for women
Daily Devotionals
Morning and Evening daily devotionals by C. H. Spurgeon
Verses of the day
Daily verses from all books of the Bible, Psalms and Gospels
Daily reading plans
Canonical, historical and chronological reading plans for one Year, 180 and 90 Days.
Audio Bible
Works offline, voice can be tuned by speed, height and pronouncement
Bookmarks, Notes and Highlight
Save your bookmarks, notes, highlights and synchronize them between different devices in your apple account via iCloud
Smart, Agile and Offline
Fast search, simultaneous works with multiple verses, text and audio customization, flipping pages option – all works offline
User Friendly
Easy to to use, day and night modes, interface rotation, fast navigation, configurable notifications for daily reading
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Featured Reviews
By TheOnlySalleen
Version 7.9
AudioLove itI have tried many Bible apps and this one is my favorite so far. The women’s Bible app is my favorite because it is easy to use without sacrificing some of the best features. I love that I can choose the voice that reads to me easily in the settings and that there are about fifty voices to choose from. Depending on my mood and what chapters I am reading I often change the voice that reads to me. I love the feature that allows me to highlight certain passages so I can come back to them later and they are then in my highlighted section so they are easy to find. I also use the note feature and take personal notes about what I am listening to or reading that I can come back to easily later if I want to. You can also bookmark favorite scriptures and they then go to a special section of bookmarked scriptures that makes it simple to find later! There is a daily Bible verse and a daily devotional which are always spot on and a great way to start out ones day! The app is easy to navigate and use and it’s also easy to set up things like font, background, line spacing to make this app personalized to you. I love how easy it is to get the app to read the scriptures to you—you just press a play button on the bottom right side of the screen! I highly recommend this app for anyone looking for a easy to use and easy to personalize Bible app!
Version 7.7.1
DifficultFamilyLove itNetworkI love this app ! The format is so pretty and very feminine. I also like that I can get on off line witch makes it really easy to share the word of GOD with anyone I may meet. I don’t like other bible apps mainly because of how hard it is to find an app that works off line. GOD is so good and I feel convicted to share my testimony with y’all! So I was a church girl who went to a little church in our home town. I had Christian friends and was saved when I was 4 years old. When I was 6 or 7 years old I wanted to get baptized. At a VBS ( vacation bible school) I asked JESUS into my heart again because I didn’t have much memory of coming to the LORD when I was a toddler and wanted to be sure that I was saved before baptism. Mow as an early teen I have struggled with doubts for a wile and asked my mom to pray for and with me. So I asked GOD to comfort and forgive me, and never looked back. I struggled because both my mom and dad have leadership positions in our church so I was to prideful to Ask someone in my church for help for fear what they would think. So lesson learned, don’t let pride get in the way of your soul! Love you guys and I will pray for you. Thanks for the app. To GOD be the Glory! Bye!
By Wilkenloh
Version 7.9
BugsFeature RequestsHate itLove itNot bad don’t get me wrong It is good because it can read to you, and it can change the fonts and languages, and how they speak. BUT I have a problem when I go to daily devotional it doesn’t read to me it doesn’t give me the option! also they could add a little note bar so that if we wanted to we could write notes on the side so we can come back to them the next day. They could also make it so that we can change the background and the colors and maybe even the size of the fonts also in some of the fonts if you change it. you’re randomly see what words that stand out which I don’t like I like everything to be even and smooth. They could also make more fonts so that we can choose others because they only give us kind of only a little bit sadly and also there’s not very many highlighter colors I love to highlight but I want to be able to highlight cool colors and you guys also need to make sure that we can actually high highlight better because you guys do a terrible job highlighting I don’t mean in as a bad way please don’t take offense. Please take notes of all of this for the people who made this app now if you’re not the person that made the app but if you want to download it but if you don’t want to because of this then I suggest get a new app. thank you for listening.