GagaOOLala - Find Your Story

GagaOOLala - Find Your Story

Portico Media Co., Ltd



Release Details

Publisher CountryBR
Country Release Date2020-04-19
Country / RegionsBR
Developer WebsitePortico Media Co., Ltd
Support URLPortico Media Co., Ltd
Content RatingClassificação 14 anos


Gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, queer… we have a wide and diverse collection of LGBTQ features, shorts, documentaries, series and original content exclusively on GagaOOLala for you.

LGBTQ titles from all around the world including romance, comedy, erotic and horror films!

English and Chinese subtitles available for all the films, and currently updating Thai and Bahasa subtitles for the whole catalogue. Join the largest queer film streaming platform and support the community!

*Due to licensing restrictions some titles might not be available in certain territories.
[Service Features]
Register and access our free section or pay a monthly fee for full access.
New content released every week.
No advertisement.
HD video quality.
Available on computers, smartphones and tablets.
Multiple language subtitles available
[Monthly Subscription Plan]
Subscribers to GagaOOLala’s VIP Membership will be charged monthly. Active subscribers can access all our content.
Should you wish to pay via iOS App Store:
Payments will be deducted from your iOS App Store account on a monthly basis. You may cancel the subscription at any time of your choosing.

Payment will be deducted from your iOS App Store account 24 hours ahead of the expiration date. Once the payment is completed, your subscription will be automatically renewed.
Should you wish to cancel the subscription, please make sure to do so at least 24 hours in advance of your next renewal date and confirm if the automatic subscription renewal on iOS App Store is turned off. After cancelling your subscription renewal, your subscription will continue to work until the last day of the final subscription period. Once the payment has been processed you will not be able to get a refund.

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Google PlayApp Store

Average Rating


Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By kim taehyung



    O App é ótimo mais poderia ter legendas em português tirando isso tá perfeito

  2. By Vika Gama



    Disponibilizem legendas em português por favor! Gostaria muito de assinar o GagaOOLala, mas fica difícil pra quando ele não disponibiliza legendas no meu idioma

  3. By Georgete Gedeon


    Version 1.7


    Não vou alem das 3 estrelas não por algum problema tecnico do app mas, por ainda não estar disponibilizando legendas em português. Existe um publico no Brasil pronto a acessar e ate fazer assinatura mas, o que impede a gde maioria é a falta de legendas em nosso idioma. Realmente uma pena. Espero que isso seja logo sanado. Se não, não sei se.continuarei assinando vcs. Pq é cansativo ficar lendo os filmes em outro idioma que não seja o nosso.


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