

OpenTable, Inc.



Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2008-11-15
CategoriesTravel, Food & Drink
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsiteOpenTable, Inc.
Support URLOpenTable, Inc.
Content Rating4+


Every great meal starts with OpenTable. Download the app to find the perfect restaurant no matter where life takes you.

- Choose from over 60,000+ restaurants worldwide
- Search for happy hours, tasting menus, and other special dining experiences
- Get insights from real diners who have visited the restaurant with verified reviews
- Filter by cuisine, pricepoint, and more to fine-tune your options
- Take advantage of expert recommendations with OpenTable’s guides

- Search for specific dates, times, and specific locations to see what’s available when you want to go out
- View full availability to see when you can get into your favorite spots
- Use Notify Me to receive alerts for last-minute openings at popular restaurants

- View and change reservations from the app
- Direct message with restaurants to ask questions, provide important information like dietary restrictions, and more
- Earn bonus points for dining at specific restaurants when you create an OpenTable account

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Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By Blake Evan Simon


    Version 17.8.0

    AudioBugsCameraCustomer ServiceFeature Requests

    I have been an established VIP with open table Based on my dining history, reservations, always cancelled before and never once missing a reservation from Palm Springs to New York to Miami …I had thousands of points I never cashed in and even have current reservations but for whatever reason they won’t respond to emails and I’ve every concerned bc my app says all the sudden I’m a new customer with no benefits and no dining history which is false and the app is not working and again no response after several emails and no customer service number that I could not find …I’m losing hope and my open table was like a timeline off all my notable dining experiences and part of my life and just don’t understand how they cannot address this if they would look they should be able to see my phone number, name and all info is the exact same but my vip established account has disappeared. If I don’t hear from them I will never use them again and only use Rezy from now on. I even took time to post dining photos and rated restaurants we dined. Very sad for me if they can’t provide me with the much need customer service and I pray this gets handled. And I pray they do the right thing a get my true account back up and running. I’m a very loyal customer so, open table please advise.

  2. By Stockpacer


    Version 17.7.1

    Hate itNotificationsWaiting

    OpenTable works really well for reservations. I have used it for years and have never gotten to the restaurant without my reservation being there. They do not have as good as selection of restaurants as they did years ago, and they cut down on the perks. I used to like to save my points to try a new restaurant but now this is not one of the perks offered. I recently tried to make a reservation at a place that was completely booked so I got on the waitlist. Reservations did come up but seconds later, before I could click on the notification, the reservation was gone. After this happened a couple of times, I ignored the notifications. other “openings“ on the waitlist were outside the time I had requested.. They should give the person at the top of the list a defined amount of time to respond. Not everyone is good at beating the buzzer. Period I found it Disappointing, and annoying. This is an otherwise good service, and I hope they will improve this feature for other people.

  3. By MysticTwilight92677


    Version 16.14.0

    BugsDifficultHate itPrivacy

    I like the concept of this app and fully support the idea. It gets as difficult as calling the restaurant, though, since I have to have many of these apps and I can remember who is on which app. But I digress, because that is not the direct problem of these programmers. What IS a direct issue is that it appears my account keeps getting deleted. I had an account, it even had points on it, but I didn’t use it a ton, because it is expensive to go out to eat and there aren’t a lot of restaurants near me that use this app. I went on a few months ago and tried to sign on, but the app prompted me to create an account. Okay, annoying and I lost my points, but okay. Then about a month ago, same thing. At that point I had 300 points. Now, they’re all gone and I have a new account when I had a reservation on the previous account. I actually had to call the restaurant, because despite the fact that my credentials were the same none of my points or previous reservations were there. Thankfully, the reservation is still booked at the restaurant, but it’s getting to the point it isn’t worth it to me. If I have to call the restaurant anyway, why use the app??


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