Pi Network

Pi Network




Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2018-12-12
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsiteSocialChain
Support URLSocialChain
Content RatingEveryone


Pi is a new digital currency. This app allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as wallet to host your digital assets. Pi is fairly distributed, eco-friendly and consumes minimal battery power.

Google PlayApp Store

Average Rating


Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By Julia Deneva


    Version 1.38.2

    AdsHate itNotifications

    Constant nagging about enabling notifications and subscribing to email spam, extremely annoying full screen video ads, zero transparency about user's status in the supposed "migration queue" or how long that will take. On top of that from a pure functionality and user interface standpoint this app and the companion Pi Browser app are so badly designed and coded it's laughable. The average CS college student would do a better job.

  2. By Gaurav Dubey


    Version 1.39.0

    Hello Developers, I am trying to recover my old account using contact number. And while doing that it asks to send SMS on the international numbers like USA, UK etc. I cannot send SMS to those numbers from my country. So could you please come up with some different idea so that I can get my account back. If the varification code could be sent on whatsapp it would be great (just a suggestion) Thanks.



    Version 1.36.2

    BugsLog InNetworkPrivacy

    "I've been enjoying using the Pi Network app, but I recently encountered a problem with the password reset function. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working properly. As a user, it's essential to have a reliable way to reset passwords in case of forgetfulness or security concerns. However, the current system seems to be ineffective.I've attempted to reset my password multiple times, following the provided instructions, but to no avail.


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