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◉ 超热超全的原创小说书城,中国网络文学的起点,亿万忠实读者的选择~
◉ 丝般顺滑的阅读体验和百家争鸣的书评天地,让你彻底沉浸于故事的世界~
◉ 更多贴心功能和服务等你探索~
………………起点读书 • 热门原著………………
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Release Details
Publisher Country | US |
Country Release Date | 2012-08-22 |
Categories | Books, Entertainment |
Country / Regions | US |
Support URL | 起点中文网 |
Content Rating | 17+ |
Average Rating
Rating Breakdown
Featured Reviews
By Putra TatakaiFA
Version 5.9.278
DeviceFeature RequestsLove itSpendingUpdatesI love the app, very convenient to find a good books and support the Authors themselves. There’s so many variations for books that I can find, but unfortunately I can’t speak nor read Chinese. I’ve used the PC to do a Google translate but unfortunately when I bought the VIP on the app, my account in the PC didn’t get any and I still need to pay to read the book that’s VIP page. I really hope either there’s an English translation version (it’s okay if it’s a Google translate tbh,) or that the VIP from the app can also be used in the PC.. also the coins that I bought from PC and the App actually 2 different things, which is really sad as when I’m trying to do task or trying to catch up with the ranking for the user it’s not counted if it’s coins I use using the App.
By Cestorel.RN
Version 5.9.206
BugsFeature RequestsHate itNetworkPrivacyThe app is good and quite easy to use. No lagging or freezing so far. Drawback, I want to read my novels in English but the app has no function to translate the books to English. Even if it’s machine translation, it’s okay. Webnovel is getting more annoying since it changes the characters’ names and even the plot and setting. So please add the feature to enable translation within the app even if it uses machine translation software or Google Translate. This is better than reading the hacked translated novels in Webnovel.
By Mingyang505
Version 5.9.31
DifficultFeature RequestsHate itLove itSpendingTencent claimed that all writers don’t have any copyright from there own books which is absolutely ridiculers. Also they claimed that they are the owner and the author is just to write the book with their authority, Tencent can take the book from the authors anytime. Also, they said that the authors are employees of Tencent but no need to obey the employment law, say, they don’t need to give them any benefit.... that’s so stupid and we need to tell people what Tencent did for the hard working authors. I used Qidian for more than 16 years, which is basically from my primary school to my PhD (also when I was working). I read books from this amazing website when I studied alone in the UK and the US, traveling from Iceland to Sahara, I do spend a decent amount of time (also money) on it. But now, after Tencent takeover this website, I feel really frustrated and disappointed, maybe it’s time for me to quit reading novels and concentrate on my research.