

Clever Inc.



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Clever gives everyone at a school and district secure single sign-on access to any online resource or application—all at no cost. Within your personalized Clever Portal, you can easily access all textbooks, files, website links, and applications.

Use your Clever login or a Clever Badge to sign in on your iPhone or iPad.

Using this app requires that your school or district is set up with Clever. If you don’t have Clever, ask your school or district technology team to sign up at

“Clever is dramatically changing how we use software in Oakland schools for the better.” - John Krull, Oakland Unified School District

“Clever Badges have been a game changer for our K-2 teachers because it has given them a more efficient access point with our youngest students. Logging in has been a laborsome task, but Badges take a bite out of that.” Mark Henderson, Fayette County Schools

Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2016-09-02
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsiteClever Inc.
Support URLClever Inc.
Content Rating4+

Average Rating


Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By videvkfsuv nxifn


    Version 4.4

    BugsHate itLove itNotifications

    I don’t have a problem with it . I love it. It’s so much fun and the word alert is my favorite thing I always look up to it and the whole entire reason .one of my favorite reasons .I do it is because the word alert .but I hate the bug thing it’s just like disgusting I hate bugs I do not like bugs at all😐. But besides that I think it’s really fun and I love it so much I would definitely recommend it for other schools like a manual should do it that. And I would definitely recommend it it is like I love it and especially imagine math .you could decorate your character and it’s so much fun and you get to change the colors. also have your own little pet and it’s so cute🦮.

  2. By callencelia


    Version 4.4

    BugsFamilyFeature RequestsHate itInaccurate

    It’s a great app. It helps my child learn and experience more with math and more to learn. It a good app for children to have more time with fun learning games, although I do think that you should make reflex a bit easier. Such as making it only 1 puzzle to solve and making the fluent go up quicker. It goes up REALLY slow and makes kids get a bit more frustrating for the children. It’s a great app to use in school for grade up to I believe k-6. It’s also okay if they get the problem wrong, but they don’t have enough time to answer the fact. Definitely in reflex. That’s why upsets my child about the all. I have heard it from other kids,parents, and reviews. I also think that the I-ready tests should be a bit easier. She children struggle and get VERY frustrated with the questions that they need to answer. The reflex games should also have more fun games for children. That’s all I have, it’s not the best at all. It’s ok. But it’ll work. Has some improvements that NEED to change. Fast. Before I give this a ‘0-star’ and tell EVERYONE to, Bye… ughhh

  3. By Acby2001


    Version 4.4

    ConfusingDifficultFamilyHate it

    One of the subject ST math under clever is absolutely dumbest math for the children, it is not helping children. It is making children more dumb. I don’t know who created this software to torture children’s mind. This ST math just making Children more frustrated and eventually want to give up. The math work can be done in 15 mins but the Gigi animation made it an hour long torture to complete. Why don’t you guys do a survey from the students, let the kids tell you guys how frustrated from doing the unnecessary steps. All the concepts my children already knew and do it quite well but Gigi animation is making it more difficult and complex to think. Especially the two digits to two digits modification. It supposed to be 5 to 10 seconds job, ST math made it like 2 mins on one single question. It is just making children confused in stead of clear. All the animations are wasting time. If I have negative stars can give, I definitely will offer that.


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