First Grade Learning Games

First Grade Learning Games

RosiMosi LLC



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Fun meets 1st grade learning with the First Grade Learning Games! Discover 21 fun games meant to help your child develop a lifelong love of learning! Your child can learn important school subjects like reading, spelling, math, fractions, STEM, science, compound words, contractions, geography, dinosaurs, fossils, animals, and more while playing games they’ll love!

Whether they are just starting first grade, or need to review and master the subjects, this is a perfect learning tool for kids aged 6-8. Your child can learn math, language, science, STEM, and the critical thinking skills they need to succeed – all while having fun!

All 21 games are designed using real school math and reading curriculums with core curriculum state standards, so you can be sure our kid learning games will help give your child a boost in the classroom.

Plus, your student or child will stay entertained with the help of voice narration, colorful images and animations, and lots of fun sounds and music. Improve your child’s homework with our teacher approved lessons, including science, STEM, language, and math.

Our selection of educational games for kids always brings you quality and value you can trust.


- First Grade Learning Games is the perfect app for kids aged 6-8
- Our app combines fun and learning for an educational experience every 1st grader willl love!

• Advanced Counting - Skip count by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 10’s and more
• Compare Numbers - Advanced math topic that compares numbers to see what is greater or less than
• Patterns - Learn to identify repeating patterns, a critical skill for first grade
• Timed Math Facts - Quickly answer math facts to earn basketballs
• Ordering - Place objects in order based on size, numbers, and letters
• Fractions - Fun way to learn the visual representation of fractions
• Add, Subtract, and Advanced Math - Help learn advanced math skills like additional and subtraction with fun falling fruit

• Reading Basics - Read articles, answers questions, and get help with tough words
• Word Bingo - Help your first grader with reading and spelling skills in a fun bingo game
• Compound Words - Combine words to build compound words, important for 1st Grade!
• Contractions - Teach your 1st grader how to combine words to make contractions
• Spelling - Learn how to spell hundreds of words with helpful voice assistance
• Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives - Your child will learn different types of words like verbs, nouns, and adjectives
• Sight Words - Learn how to spell and recognize important words

• 5 Senses - Learn the 5 senses, how they help us understand the world, and which body part each uses
• Geography - Identify the oceans, continents, and various types of landforms
• Animals - Classify and learn about a variety of animals, such as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, and more
• Body Parts - Learn and identify all the body parts of the human body, and learn how diagrams work
• Photosynthesis - Help the plant conduct photosynthesis and learn about the process vital for all plant life
• Dinosaurs and Fossils - Identify different dinosaurs and fossils
• Cause & Effect - Listen and match a cause with the correct effect

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy:

If you have purchased the games already and they are now showing locked you can tap the Options icon in the upper right corner, and then tap ‘Restore Purchase’ to unlock the games again for free!

If you are having issues with the game or have questions please email us at [email protected] and we will get it fixed for you ASAP.

Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2012-06-05
CategoriesEducation, Games_Family, Games
Country / RegionsUS
Support URLRosiMosi LLC
Content Rating4+

Average Rating


Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By 4 home learners


    Version 4.1

    DifficultFamilyHate itInaccurateLevelLove it

    I love the app and subject’s. The one annoying thing I can’t figure out is each subject has 5 stars or levels to complete and there is know way to know how or when you are going to complete a star. For example, you can play a subject for like 5 minutes and get 4 stars then you can play literally for 1 solid hour and not go up even a half star. It’s SOoo hard to assign my kids to get stars (make sure they’re answering correctly and making progress) sometimes they can get 50 right in a row and not move up a star other times they can get some wrong and move up three stars. Very frustrating.

  2. By Little mini mouse


    Version 7.3


    I’mA kid I tried it and it was OK I mean it was good at First but I started to bored but it was a good game 2 Response OK well at the end of the basketballs and stuff make a prepared for second grade like put a age chart and if you’re in It so when they’re almost at Second grade I mean yeah they had a second grade game but if they’re not in second grade game up that chart and then Wednesday now bring a whole new screen and hard questions if they can’t figure out just you put a little example saying talk about what’s your first starting say is in the kindergarten game they didn’t know 2+2 well they’re at least they’re just starting so you’re no if they can’t do it try this 1 2 +2 more and then make them come oh and this is not 12 yeah so if they can’t figure it out try that if the girls like the point is they can write a response and then yeah she’s boring do something new maybe because like sometimes every problem the same thing so yeah

  3. By MamaDykstra


    Version 7.7

    BugsFamilyLevelLove it

    The app itself is wonderful. The trouble I am having is my 3 kids all share the same device. I have 3 folders on the home page each with their name on it. I put this app in each of their folders (each kid is a different grade level so I have the corresponding grade). The problem is, even though I can add multiple users on the app, it defaults to the first place user. So if Jon (1st grade) is the user a, Tom (2nd grade) is user b, and Betty (3rd grade) is user c….no matter who opens up their app (even though they are all diff grade levels) they will all show up as user a, Jon.


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