Freebie Alerts: Free Stuff App

Freebie Alerts: Free Stuff App

Freebie Alerts - Free Stuff Alerts



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Free Stuff Alerts

Receive a notification each time your neighbor post Free Stuff on Nextdoor, Letgo, OfferUp and TrashNothing!
Be the first to claim that freebie for you!

Each day people give away things that they don't longer need, most of them are in really great condition, some things don't fit the new place, some just to make space, some things because people move away and can't take those things with them.


1. Install the app.
2. You are ready to receive FREE ITEMS!
That's all, Simple. Smart. Easy.


Freebie Alerts

Free Stuff Alerts will send you an alert notification each time your neighbor give away something, click the notification and if it's something that you need, you just contact that person and pick the freebie up! Make it yours first!.

• Tired of seeing "23 interested" people on a free thing that you would love to have?
• Tired of enter every single minute to check if theres is something new in the Free Stuff section on OfferUp?
• Tired of "First come, First serve" and when you appeared to that location the free stuff you wanted is gone, because someone took it first? Lucky b....rd!
• Tired of the red "Sold" on something that you were asking but someone claim it first? Yeah, that is sad.

Try Free Stuff Alerts for FREE

You will be receiving notifications in your phone in real time at the instance that your neighbor just post some free stuff!

This app does not have any kind of business nor commercial relationship with (Ambatana Holdings B.V.), OfferUp, Inc and, This is a third party app.

Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2021-04-26
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsiteFreebie Alerts - Free Stuff Alerts
Support URLFreebie Alerts - Free Stuff Alerts
Content RatingTeen

Average Rating


Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By Christina “ɮօօ” Abell


    Version 3.8.3


    YES, IT'S LEGITIMATE! Don't let the appearance of the icon and the to good to be true thought stop you from downloading. I've had this app on my phone for some time now, & at first, I was skeptical thinking that there was probably some catch, things listed wouldn't never be local to me, or that there probably wouldn't be anything on it. WRONG! It's basically the listings from the Facbook marketplace (literally), but only FREE items are shown here. I'm always seeing new stuff posted locally!

  2. By Jason Freet


    Version 3.8.3


    EVERYTHING LISTED ON THIS APP IS ABSOLUTELY 110% FREE!!!! Now, I have run into a few that slipped through the cracks, which are normally businesses trying to get customers or ppl. parting out cars. Ɓut hey, nobody's perfect. You can't catch 'em all every time. Overall, I'd give it 4/ 5. like how i can set the area i want to look in, & it doesn't show anything outside of where i want to travel to for pickup! It does freeze up sometimes, tho n has to be refreshed, but then, it's good to go again!

  3. By Cyndi Greenwood


    Version 3.8.3

    Love itNetworkNotificationsUpdates

    I love Freebie Alerts! It scans multiple social media networks and puts them all in one place! I had to make accounts with other social media sites to be able to co-ordinate pick ups, cause I wanted to see everything available for free. Only I wish Freebie Alerts had at least an icon of which site it came from. It does however take you to the listing if you have the other apps which is great. But it doesn't update listings that have dissappeared very often. Most of them I have to do myself.


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