Fable: Books & TV

Fable: Books & TV




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Join a community of good people discussing great stories on Fable, an app designed to find, discuss, and track books and TV shows. Set reading goals, get personalized reading stats, discover new books and shows, and connect with fellow readers in online book clubs and TV clubs.

TRACK YOUR READING LIFE: Stay organized with beautiful lists, reading goals, and daily streaks that encourage you to read more.
- Organize the books you’re currently into, what’s on your TBR, what you finished, and DNFed
- Import your book lists from Goodreads and Kindle to keep everything in one place
- Build custom lists for all of your niche reading interests
- Build watch lists for the TV shows you’re interested in, currently watching, finished, and more
- Follow lists from other readers for inspiration, and share your own

VIEW PERSONALIZED STATS: Learn more about yourself as a reader with deep insights, charts, and graphs about your reading history.
- Import your lists from Goodreads or Kindle to power your reading stats
- Visualize your progress to your annual reading goal
- See your most-read authors and genres
- See your longest reading streak
- View your average book rating across all the books you finished

BUILD A READING HABIT WITH STREAKS: Stay motivated with tools designed to help you tackle your reading goals.
- Create daily reading streaks
- Track your book progress daily based on the page or percentage read
- Edit past streaks if you forget to log a day of reading
- Add our home screen widget for one-tap access to your streaks
- Set annual reading goals to challenge yourself
- Get reminders to keep your reading streak alive

CREATE BETTER BOOK REVIEWS: Share your perspective with customized book ratings and book reviews.
- Import your lists and reviews from Goodreads
- Rate and review books with half-stars (and update your Goodreads ratings with half-stars)
- Add expressive tags to share exactly how the book made you feel
- Add spice level ratings to your book reviews
- Pair your book review with emoji reactions for further customization
- Leave book reviews in your book club’s reflection room or on the book’s detail page

JOIN BOOK & TV CLUBS: Explore thousands of free book and TV clubs for every niche interest, or start your own club to read or watch with friends or family.
- Join your favorite BookTokkers’ book clubs, or start a buddy read to discuss books with friends
- Find clubs led by TV recappers and reviewers from TikTok, YouTube, and elsewhere
- Spark conversations with your club in organized, spoiler-free chapter rooms and episode rooms
- Leave reviews in the reflection room at the end of the book or show
- Read or watch at your own pace or follow the club’s suggested milestones

DISCOVER NEW BOOKS & SHOWS: Find your next favorite book to read or show to watch.
- Use Scout to get personalized book recommendations
- Ask Scout to randomly select your next read from your TBR
- Import your Goodreads or Kindle lists for even more personalization
- Discover new books and shows from Fable’s editorial team
- Follow friends’ lists in the For You feed for community recommendations

BUY EBOOKS DESIGNED FOR INTERACTIVE READING: Experience an entirely new way to read books inside Fable’s custom ebook reader.
- Join other readers who are “social reading” inside thousands of free book clubs
- Annotate books with highlights, notes, tabs, comments, and reactions right inside the book
- Respond to discussion prompts embedded inside the book
- Discover thousands of free books to read inside the Fable app, or shop from our catalog of over one million interactive ebooks

- Customize monthly Reading Wraps to highlight the books you read that month
- Come back at the end of the year for an annual wrapup of your year in reading

Terms of use:

Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2021-08-04
CategoriesBooks, Social Networking
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsiteFable
Support URLFable
Content Rating12+

Average Rating


Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By Brynley E.


    Version 194

    AudioFeature RequestsLove itUpdates

    I absolutely adore the app!! One of my favorite things about it is being able to see all of your stats, especially having the ability to see what books you read in what months and the reader summary. Every single time I put a book in the Finished List I find myself looking forward to what my Reader Summary is going to update to say, a few I’ve even laughed out loud too. But I do want to suggest a rereading option on the reading status, that lets me track my progress when I set it to Currently reading as well as keeping it in my Finished List, so that way it shows up however many times I read it on the Finished # of books so far this year. Now this doesn’t need to count towards my reading goal since it’s not a new book, but it would be nice if it appeared as many times as I reread it in that year. Other than that idea I just had (as I am currently rereading a book and went to log it so it would count towards my streak, but realized it took it out of my finished list) it’s a lovely app that I’ve discovered thanks to a friend mentioning it, in which case I’ve now actually started recommending it to other people and would 10/10 recommend it to you!!

  2. By rudiaaa


    Version 195.1

    BugsLove itUpdates

    As an avid reader who has been on Goodreads for 10+ years, I was really excited about Fable. It is beautiful and a gorgeous app overall however it has a few major pitfalls that are ultimately making me go back to Goodreads (and trust me I KNOW Goodreads isn’t the ideal app and has many issues). 1. Fable does not show when a friend has finished a book. Is this a setting that I’m missing? I can see anytime my friends add to “want to read” or “did not finish” but I can’t see when they’ve added to “read?” 2. When viewing a book’s page I cannot see that a friend has reviewed or even read the book. These two points are very basic things that Goodreads accomplishes quite well. It is the whole point (to me) of a social media app for reading. I want to easily see what a friend is currently reading and when they’ve finished it and what they thought of it. If I’m checking out a new book I would love to know if it’s on a friends “want to read” or “read” list so I can chat about it with them afterwards or let them know I loved it and they should read it asap. 3. Fable glitches for me just as much as Goodreads does. I’ve had to close and restart the app many times specifically when I’m using the explore page. 4. I don’t like the design of seeing all the books in someone’s list when they’ve just added 1 book to it. Goodreads makes every update a singular focus on the 1 book and I prefer this.

  3. By Andy Andretti


    Version 206

    Love itSpending

    I adore this app! I have Goodreads and I use Letterboxd quite often. I’ve always found the UI of Goodreads to feel outdated and a bit drab. This app is so much fun to use. Tracking your progress daily is fun and feels rewarding. The clubs you can join to read books along with others is such a unique feature. Most of the classics are free and the app gives you a $5 credit when joining that can be stacked by having others joining your clubs (they also get $5). I started a club to read a big fantasy series and found it so much fun to set up with how easy it was to use and have had friends already join and download the E-Book through the app as they all earned a $5 credit by joining and the book on fable was less than $5! Download this app and give it a try it truly is so much fun to use. I will say, it’s nice to also speak on and talk about the tv shows you’re watching with others but I fell they could show that part of the app some more love. Tracking progress of a show would be an easy addition to make it feel more like an app that is for books AND tv and not mainly focused on books. Tracking your finished series is another great addition.


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