Collectr - TCG Collector App

Collectr - TCG Collector App

Collectr Inc



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Why use multiple apps when you can track all your TCGs in one place? Most collectors collect multiple Trading Card Games.

Collectr is a next-generation portfolio manager for collectors. We allow you to manage, track, and value all your raw, graded and sealed cards in the palm of your hand. It’s never been easier to view your TCG collections as a portfolio.

Join our 2M+ users and leverage our real-time database of 1,000,000+ products to instantly value your products.

We have data available for the following TCGs:

Magic The Gathering
Disney Lorcana
One Piece TCG Card Game
Force of Will
Weiss Schwarz
Final Fantasy
Star Wars Unlimited
Star Wars Destiny
Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Fusion World
Union Arena
Sorcery Contested Realm
Grand Archive
Flesh and Blood
Gate Ruler

⭐ Build Your Collection - Search and add products from our 200,000+ product catalog
⭐ Value Your Portfolio - Instantly understand and track the value of your collections
⭐ Track Market Trends - Gain real-time insights into the performance of your collection
⭐ Multi-Currency Support - Know the value of your collection in any currency (including crypto!)
⭐ Biggest Gains/Losses - Understand the biggest movers in your portfolio in real-time

Download our app today and start managing your collection in the most advanced and efficient way possible!

More about Collectr:

E-mail: [email protected]

Join our discord to chat with us and other like-minded collectors! The link is on our Instagram

Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2022-01-30
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsiteCollectr Inc
Support URLCollectr Inc
Content RatingEveryone

Average Rating


Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By Zach V


    Version 2.0.5

    Love it

    Best app out there to keep your collection in one place while also being able to track current market values. Great UI and Ebay and TcgPlayer integration. The app definitely needs work on supporting japanese cards and sets other than Pokémon, such as Weiss Schwarz. Sports would also be a huge get, hopefully soon. Still highly recommend!

  2. By Sharayah Fox


    Version 1.0.89


    *Removed star bc I can now no longer access the app. It says I have no internet despite being connected to the internet.* I tried a few similar apps, but the scan feature on this one is what sold me. After a month of using the free version, I upgraded to premium to have more scans. It is a bit buggy and does sometimes struggle to identify the scanned cards. Overall, I like the app and plan to use it moving forward instead of the app I had been using.

  3. By Dan Le


    Version 2.0.7

    BugsHate itInaccurateNetwork

    Scans are okay, but like 30% of my cards I had to manually enter because it would add the card from the wrong set. Not as much variety in cards from other languages either. When I finished scanning 300+ cards, I added them to my portfolio only to be met with an "internal server error" so I pressed the add button again. It added over half of my collection twice, so now I have to go in and manually delete the extras, and it's slow because you have to also delete the "price bought for" too


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