Quran Majeed – القران الكريم

Quran Majeed – القران الكريم

Pakistan Data Management Services



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Most authentic Quran app since 2010.

Recognized by more than 65 million Muslim users around the world.

تطبيق القرآن الأكثر اعتمادا منذ عام ٢٠١٠.

معترف به من قبل أكثر من ٦٥ مليون مستخدم حول العالم.

Quran Majeed is an amazing Quran app that beautifies your life with the blessing of reading and listening to the Quran on the go. The latest version of the authentic Quran Majeed app for iPhone and iPad offers complete Quran in the elegant Uthmanic script, audio recitation, translations and English Tafsir Uthmani, proofread by a Muslim scholar ('alim).
القرآن المجيد هو تطبيق مميز للقرآن الذي يجمل حياتك ببركة القراءة والاستماع إلى القرآن أثناء التنقل. الإصدار الأخير من تطبيق القرآن المجيد لأجهزة الآي فون والآيباد تقدم قرآنًا كاملاً في الكتابة العثمانية الأنيقة، وتلاوة الصوت، والترجمات، والتفاسير، وقام بمراجعته أحد العلماء

● Worldwide Prayer Times clock with Azan/Adhan alarm options. Supports different prayer time calculation methods. Qibla direction. Ramadan Sehar/Iftar times
أوقات الصلاة لجميع أنحاء العالم مع خيار تنبيه الأذان، ودعم طرق مختلفة لحساب أوقات الصلاة، وبوصلة القبلة، وأوقات السحور والإفطار

● World famous reciters (Sheikh Abdul Basit, Sheikh As Sudays & As Shraym, Mishari Rashid, Saad Al Ghamdi, Abu Bakr Shatry, Sheikh Ahmed Ajmi, Sheikh Al-Huzaifi, Sheikh Mahir-al-Muayqali, Sheikh Minshawi, Sheikh Ayub, Khalil Husari, Mahmood AlBana, Salah Bukhatir & Sheikh Basfar).
تلاوات القراء المعروفون عالميا.

● Four English translations (Pickthal, Dr. Mohsin, Mahmood & Yusuf Ali) and forty-five language translations (AlBanian, Amazigh, Amharic, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Divehi, Dutch, French, German, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malayalam, Malaysian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sindhi, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil, Tartar, Turkish, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek).

● Option to display any translation along with full Arabic text in hi-resolution, Retina graphics in both portrait and landscape viewing. Supports pinch/zoom feature for changing font size.
خيار عرض أي ترجمة مع النص العربي الكامل بالدقة الممتازة في وضعي الأفقي والعمودي، دعم ميزة التصغير / التكبير لتغيير حجم الخط.

● Islamic greeting messages (Eid Mubarak, Ramadan Kareem, …)
رسائل معايدة إسلامية (عيد مبارك، رمضان كريم، …)

● Qibla Direction — اتجاه القبلة

● Hijri Converter — تحويل التاريخ

● Quran TV feature with beautiful background videos
تلفزيون القرآن مع مقاطع فيديو خلفية جميلة

● Visual Quran feature with flip gesture
المصحف المرئي مع إيماءة التقليب

● Watch live coverage of Makkah & Madinah.
شاهد التغطية المباشرة لمكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة.

● Selectable themes (Green, Blue, Classic-Green, Night Mode, Light & Brown).
إمكانية اختيار الثيمات (أخضر، أزرق، الوضع الليلي، فاتح، بني)

● Advanced audio options to help with memorization (repetition of ayah, Surah, number of repetitions, interval, and recitation speed).
خيارات الصوت المتقدمة للمساعدة في الحفظ (تكرار الآية، وسورة، وعدد من حالات التكرار، وفاصل، وسرعة التلاوة).

● Highly advanced “Search” feature that can help with searching any word (search exact word, affixes or all roots) in the Arabic text, any of the translations and English Tafsir.
ميزة بحث متقدم يساعد في البحث عن أي كلمة ( الكلمة بالضبط، كل اللاحقات أو الجذور) في النص العربي، والترجمات والتفاسير

● Bookmarking of Aya, translation and tafsir (supports iCloud synchronization that helps your bookmarks stay up to date on all your iOS devices).
وضع علامة مرجعية على الأية، والترجمة، والتفسير للرجوع إليها

● Quranic Aya and word highlighting during recitation.
تظليل الآية والكلمة أثناء التلاوة

● Social media sharing. Ability to share selected aya via email, twitter & Facebook.
مشاركة في وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية

● iPad friendly interface
تطابق واجهة أيباد

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Release Details

Publisher CountryUS
Country Release Date2010-04-02
CategoriesReference, Lifestyle
Country / RegionsUS
Developer WebsitePakistan Data Management Services
Support URLPakistan Data Management Services
Content Rating4+

Average Rating


Rating Breakdown

Featured Reviews

  1. By zzzzhdhdhdb


    Version 10.5.3

    AdsFamilyLove itSpending

    This is the best Quran app EVER. No joke. I even bought the yearly subscription where you don’t get ads and honestly I’ve been using this for a good two years and there isn’t anything like this app. SubhanAllah it’s my favorite because of the tajweed colors and it’s the same as my Quran. The only thing I can say is there was one or two times where the page I read didn’t finish on the same page as my physical Quran. But I recommend this app to everyone. I even had my sister download this app. Not only that but it helps you with memorization, picking what reciter you want to listen too(there’s a good handful to pick from), and the visual Quran where you can see visuals of what the ayahs are talking about. SubhanAllah a really well developed app and just over all amazing. May Allah reward the people who have created this app. Ameen. This is the most beneficial app ever. Alhamdullilah for it. Allah really sent me this app when I needed it two years ago and I thought why not write this review. It’s worth it. And honestly I never write reviews but this deserves it Alhamdullilah. JazakAllah Khair.

  2. By Al-Italiano


    Version 10.3.2

    DifficultLove itSpending

    Asalam o Alaikum, first, let me thank you with my utmost gratitude for creating this app. It is indeed very lovely app, I could use for everyday reading and listening. However, I can’t withstand the fact that you guys have created this app and made it so unattracting for all of those people who decided to become a Muslim and one of billions of follower of this beautiful religion. If someone new wants to learn Tajweed, they have to pay, which is completely unforgivable. I understand you guys need some source of income for all of your hard works, but this is not a way of doing it. Why not making some sorts of fundsourcing to let people gather up some money to to make it possible? I believe others would have agree on that part and participate into gathering enough funds to make that happen. I don’t want to jump into conclusions, but it really disgust me, when people are choose their own goods over making Islam a truly attracting religion to newcomers. I really hope you guys will start thinking about THIS ISSUE really quick and make changes immediately. I pray to Allah to guide you into the right path, Amin! 🙏🏼

  3. By Azad Aghanistan


    Version 9.4

    AdsBattery UsageBugsPricingSpending

    Asalam-u-Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakato, Ihave been using this application for more than couple of years am very satisfied with. The only suggestion that I having is that there are out numbers of advertisings cause a big problem while reciting, is there possibility to clog the adds to allowing the reciters to recite the holy Quraan confidently. I feel that the company needs financial support to make revenue through this process. For instance, I live in Afghanistan where there all bank systems are collapsed on one hand and on the other hand the financial crises to which our pile confronted with is due to our number of unemployment in the country. Therefore, review my suggestion and see the possibilities to remit the fees and allow us to download the full version without charge to be safe from the ads appearance onwards. Thank you for your attention in this regard.


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