Bazoš has 500.000 advertisers daily, who place around 60.000 classified ads. Join them and sell what you don’t need anymore or find what you are missing in household.
• Sell easy and fast anything from household
• No registration - place an advertisment after phone number confirmation
• Add a search agent for a product you can’t find
• Have your classified ads under control
Bazos - classifieds for everybody.
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Featured Reviews
By Chris Baerwaldt
Version 2.21.0
Feature RequestsUpdatesVery nice app, but with latest app update, I cannot select "description" text. If I cannot select the text, i am not able to easily translate it. Please change this back. Thank you.
By Eko First
Version 2.21.0
BugsUpdatesWith the last update there are some new bugs: Search according to the map selection doesn't work. Map visualization doesn't work. Region history doesn't work.
By A Google user
Version 1.7.3
Love itGenerally, it's good application. I use it several times a day everyday! I believe it could be improved with some features, flexibility, sorting options, filters, and search algorithms. In addition I would love to use the feature of combined agents in more the one country. In conclusion I recommend the application because it's reliable and there's plenty of room for improvements. Thanks for the developers.